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(2 edits) (+1)

I usually never leave comments but I just wanted to say that this was such a sweet and well-done game. As someone with a an invisible illness this really spoke to me. I think I got the good ending and although I was curious to see what the other endings were I couldn't bring myself to play through them haha. Thank you so much for making this game; stories like this are so important. 

this hits me in my soft spot


Superb writing - the story touches you emotionally! And i loved that you ended the game on a positive note. I played the Android version. Here's my playthrough:


Unfortunately relateable. Well-done, and well-handled.  It would be nice if the game didn't turn the sound back on at the start of every chapter though -- it's actually the alarm clock noise I was trying to avoid.


Duly noted. We'll look into fixing that for a future release! Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing our game. :)

Very touching, the way the story goes, really makes you feel the pain of not having answers for something thats destroying your life day by day.

and I thought I sleep a lot

I had fun playing it I will play more soon.


this game was lovely and very wholesome. as someone who has struggled with many, many people not believing that i do suffer from my illness, i can really understand what the protagonist is going through. i really cared about what was going to happen, and even though it is a pretty short play, i enjoyed it very much. the art style is simple but in a good way, and the colour choices were pleasing to look at.

i love visual novels in general, but ones that are short and sweet are even higher on my list.  this one was pretty charming, but the characters could of used a bit more development (in my opinion) but i do understand that that was not the main focus. another criticism i have is that it would've been nice to have less black screens, but the game was still a fun play nonetheless. (and high quality for a free game!).i really hope to see more games like this in the future, especially exploring such important topics such as non-obvious illnesses and/or disabilities. great work! :)

Thanks so much for the feedback! We're hoping to add some cinematic illustrations for some of those fade to black screens in a future release, so keep an eye out! :)


Powerful narrative; hits very close to home. I was diagnosed with JRA at Rae's age, over 15 years ago now, and it struck me how universal some aspects of juggling chronic illness and adolescence are no matter the diagnosis. I cried a lot more than I expected to—it was extremely cathartic. My most heartfelt thanks to your team for creating this game!


Thank you for making this game, it was absolute beautiful. I cried a lot more than I'd like to admit. I look forward to seeing your future projects!


I really enjoyed this. I usually get bored with visual novels, but this one was so captivating and the interactivity was a really nice feature that made the story feel all the more real. Very nicely done, great job!


Oh my god, this was beautiful. I'm absolutely in love with this. I cried *so hard* almost no one would believe it. I mean, I cry a lot in general, but this was absolutely breathtaking. I beat it in only half an hour, but my heart was *breaking* for that entire half an hour. I sincerely hope the developer this was based off of got the best ending in real life. I can only begin to imagine just how painful that was, searching, and searching, and not finding any answers. Absolutely breathtaking game. 5/5.

that was a really powerful game, great job!

Thank you so much!

(1 edit) (+2)

As a person with serveral mental health issues, It was hard for me to play this game, but I had a lot of fun.

((Extra points for the Hamilton poster in Rae's room ;) ))

((And all the other little hints to it, hell yeah))

Thanks for playing through the game, even though it was hard. We really appreciate it.

Hehe, we're big Hamilton fans! Glad you noticed our references. ;)

If I may ask, is this your first project? I'm assuming not, as it's well made. I've been looking into trying my hand at making a game myself, but it's been very hard. Sorry to bother, but do you have any advice?

I could not have missed them! I'm a huge musical nerd, heh

It's our first project! We're actually a group of four people, though, which made making the game an easier task. We used Unity and a third party engine (VN Engine) to create our game within our timeline (which was 6 months). It depends on the type of game you want to create, but there are lots of free game engines out there! 

Hope that helps!

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