KJAM is the name taken by a group of 4 awesome students at the University of Washington. We are in the process of developing an interactive story on growing up while navigating the struggles and uncertainties of invisible illness that we are calling "But You Seem Fine."
Thank you for stopping by! For more information or questions, contact us at KJAM.dev@gmail.com
Kyra is focusing on artistic development and Unity scripting. As an aspiring technical artist, she enjoys creating characters and exploring new ways to troubleshoot different game engines and 3D software. Her focus is HCI and computer animation and she is excited to work on But You Seem Fine.
Joy is focusing on software development and HCI in her studies now and in her career. She studies both Informatics and English and has always been curious about games as a medium for telling stories. She is thrilled to be working on But You Seem Fine as both a developer and artist.
Alaina is focusing on HCI and front-end development, and has always been fascinated by the intersection of art and technology. As the only team member with an invisible illness (narcolepsy), and as an avid video game fan since she was a wee child, Alaina is extra excited to be working on But You Seem Fine.
Madeleine is focusing on project management and Unity scripting for this project. As a patron of the theatre and dance scene, she is passionate about combining her love of storytelling with her technological background. Her experience in the gaming industry is varied but she is excited to be a part of development on this game.