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Amazing editing!! I wish I was that talented✨✨✨


Btw she has an amazing mom!!!

(1 edit)

lChapter 1 Mwah chefs kiss❤️🥺✨👏 Although it sounds like she should see a therapist🫥🫥li loved the game anyway good job!!✨👏🥺

(1 edit) (-1)

I really loved playing this game. It really made me see what a lot of people with mystery illnesses could go through. I was thinking that it was that type of condition but knowing how this started with a cold I was doubting that, but it was that in the end.


I feel like there is no reason to put in a spoiler about the game's conclusion here; kind of makes it less of a mystery for those who have not finished it yet!


Yeah you're right sorry about that


OMFG SADIE COMING IN CLUTCH WITH "Have you heard of psychosomatic symptoms?"  



But in the end it was not psychological.



That fucking piano gave me everywhere at the end of time flashbacks.


As someone who is currently looking for a diagnosis, this game really resonated with me and I'll admit I did cry a few times. Though my symptoms don't seem as severe as Rae's, I've also struggle with exhaustion since middle school. As soon as the bits about automatic behaviors came up I was sure her diagnosis was gonna be narcolepsy. Wonderful game <3

Is for mobile or pc? Idk


Thank you for sharing the game. It was very heartbreaking... maybe I will try it again taking different options. 

I don't have as much fatigue as someone with Rae, but I have a different invisible illness, and its such a battle to get recognition and see if you can find a good doctor. I'm still in that process sadly.


Playing this about two years ago not knowing what this meant, compared to now dealing with this exact situation is heart shattering. Its an insane coincidence i guess but an unfortunate one. Just the first line absolutely broke me. This realistic and bittersweet visual novel  is amazing. Makes everything feel real.Thank you.  


First game that made me actually cry, damn


This is why we need general doctors that are good at diagnosing invisible stuff, and then redirect you to doctors that can help. IDK if we already have one, actually... 


I can tell you had a very hard time.This was a great story but I couldn't finish it Great job Rae! :)


I actually finished it in tears sad/great story I'd say

i NEED more, crying rn


Just finally finished your game (downloaded it several weeks ago)... And it's a really great VN! Very captivating and quite the emotional ride that I can relate to a little. 

That being said, and considering the game is out for quite some time now there is but one question: are you going to make another game? 

All the best



congratulations i cried alot

This game is amazing and i wish i had money to support them and i hope they release more games like it

(1 edit) (+3)

this game is


I made a account to comment on this. I have never had a invisible disease, never had to go doctor to doctor, never had any of that. But I saw this, and had to play. Going though the visits in game was tiring, but I could never imagine that in real life. Even if you don't have something the main character has, or aren't like the main character, still try to play the game. It really helps with empathy. Thank you for making this game devs, and thank you for reading this, whoever you are. :)


A surreal game to play a week before I do a sleep study.


My most common words said was:

Keep fighting



What's wrong with these doctors

and here's a bonus word I said

How many more depressing chapters are there?😭


These doctors ain't shit-

They said I was sniffing glue-


Im depressed-


This game made me feel some inexplicable emotions. Truly, TRULY, inexplicable. I was in tears by the end. I've been to doctors offices at least 10 times in the past year and its not easy. Feeling like you will never get an answer is heartbreaking. Then even when you do, it doesn't feel quite as good as you were hoping. I loved this game. :}


This game was one of the best games I've ever played. Ngl, I was sobbing by the end of it because as someone with multiple chronic illnesses, seeing her struggle of going from doctor to doctor really struck a chord in me. When she finally got the diagnosis, I was crying right along with her, because I know the feeling of relief when someone actually figures it out. I've been passed on from doctor to doctor, all of them saying different things, and none of them being true. I'm very glad I kept choosing the "continue searching" path, because seeing Rae get so happy at the end makes the 2 hours of playing this game, sobbing, playing some more, sobbing some more, worth it :) 

I feel you




Even if it was short, it was fun. :D

(1 edit) (+3)

Omg. i loved this! I (think i) got one of the good endings, where me and Sadie go to the anime convention. Thanks so much to the maker for sharing their story. 

wtf how did you get that i want it so badddddd


Amazing story, as someone still looking for a diagnosis for her invisible illness, it definitely makes me happy that Rae got hers :,)

(1 edit) (+2)

Just finished my first round, cried a little, didn't even get a good ending. I went through a maze of doctors which every route does, and they sent me to a sleep lab, and I got diagnosed with narcolepsy, I got kinda mad at mom in the car home, and I guess the ending is just me living with this forever since people CAN live a life with that? Still trying to get the greatest (I think) ending where I go to the con with Sadie and dress up- wish me luck...
I know this isn't some fun game about getting a good ending and stuff, I just want to feel happy after I just got hit with sadness then didn't even get a good ending.
I feel bad for the developer because this was based on a true story, which was from the developer's life. 


This game was amazing! The drawings were simple and beautifully done, and the experience it displayed was so well written.

At some stage I remember thinking, "Oh haha same." And then I thought, "Oh no, same!" And I laughed.

This was a really cool game to play, I'm not expert lol but I appreciate the time and effort you put into it :)


i cried a little, it is sad, nice story, written, nice short visual novel. i rate a 5/5


i cried so ducking much......

im absolutly devasted


This game made me realise that there are people out there with similar experiences as the character.  I got real invested in the story when the sudden change happened. The doctors were real bunch of s except for those that were actually trying to help her. Her friend too was a real one. Sticking by her side and always trying to help her. An amazing visual novel and i too love the ending. Very wholesome :)


this is the first game that has genuinely made me emotional, i absolutely love it :) keep on doing what you do, your gonna be famous someday


at first i thought this was gonna be about depression but im not mad cus narcolepsy isnt something i see talked about. and im so happy i got the ending where they go to the con and cosplay

(4 edits) (+2)

I had a doctor say to me "You seem fine... but obviously you're not" and if I'm ever a doctor, that's the only way I'll ever say that phrase
we still figuring stuff out, she's my most recent doc, she's nice :)
wishing devs and all in the comments luck~

Edit: omg and the endocrinologist looks like my doctor too! she's my gyno but pretty much acts like my GP right now (as much as she can)

I like this game! I can't entirely relate to the symptomatic side, but the maze of doctors is so accurate


i got a good end


yay, me too!

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